Mayor of Montego Bay, Councillor Leeroy Williams - New Year's Message 2023


The dawning of a new year always brings hope and anticipation. As a city and as citizens of the great parish of St. James, we give God thanks for sparing our lives to see the dawning of a New Year when we can open a new chapter in our lives, turn a new page and share the excitement of the anticipated opportunities the New Year 2023 brings.

This time of year also gives us an opportunity to reflect on our personal achievements and missed opportunities during 2022 and make clear and decisive plans to continue on the path of success or to correct the missteps which were made during the past 12 months.

Ladies and Gentlemen, let us arm ourselves with the lessons learnt during 2022 and embrace 2023 with optimism and vigour. Let us continue our resolve to make Jamaica safe and secure.

It is my firm belief that 2023 will be the year when as a nation we will collectively put a lid on crime and violence and other anti-social activities as we work toward making our city and our country the place of choice to live, work, raise families and do business.

As a city, we made great strides during 2022 in developing and improving the infrastructure of our city. The rehabilitation of the fountain in Sam Sharpe Square has transformed the space into a thing of beauty, the continued maintenance of our road network, the Jamaica 60 murals across the city and the start of several major projects to include the Montego Bay Perimeter Road are just some of the successes.

Tourism, the Business Process Outsourcing and construction continue to lead the way in job creation. In 2023, there are several major projects relating to the building of additional hotel rooms, the expansion of the BPO space and the development of housing and other construction projects which will be fast-tracked; the outlook for the creation of more sustainable jobs remains very positive for the coming year and beyond.

The year 2023 promises to be transformative as we address other issues such as traffic congestion, disorder in the public space, respect for law and order and a general improvement in the way we do business and relate to each other; let us do this together as none of us is a strong as all of us!

Ladies and Gentlemen, as Mayor of Montego Bay and Chairman of the St. James Municipal Corporation, I want to assure you that under my watch, the Municipal Corporation will continue to play a major role in the development of our parish and our city and will ensure that we create that platform to facilitate development in all areas.

Let us resolve to make 2023 our best year ever in terms of development, improvement in our standard of life, care for the elderly, the vulnerable, our women and children. We must become our brother’s keepers as we develop a more caring and gentle society.

What the New Year brings to you, will depend greatly on what you bring to the New Year…Let’s make 2023 a Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!!!!