Outdoor Services

Services under the Outdoor Poor Programme are:

Monetary Assistance
Each Registered Poor receives monthly monetary assistance (dole). Individuals are entitled to $1500 per month.

Educational assistance for the Registered Poor and for persons temporarily in need can include the provision of school fees, examination fees, books, lunch, bus fare, and uniforms (including shoes, bags, etc).

Food & Special Needs
Food stuff is often distributed to needy persons, both Registered and Temporary Poor. We are grateful to Food for the Poor, which assists us in this area. Persons with special dietary needs, as recommended by a Medical Officer, are also catered for.

Where necessary, transportation is provided to hospitals, clinics and dispensaries in order to receive treatment. This service is also available to those temporarily in need.

Bedding & Clothing
The provision of mattress and clothing to Registered and temporarily poor persons is a vital aspect of care. New items of clothing and foam are furnished to suit individual needs. Again, Food for the Poor and other organizations assist us with these items.

Medical Assistance
The Poor Relief Department assists with the purchase of drugs, pays hospital fees and provides optical and dental care for its clients and the temporarily poor, when necessary.

Some clients are eligible for help with rental costs. Please contact the St. James Parish Council Poor Relief Department for more information. This is a scheme to help poor persons improve their living conditions, and mostly involves home repair. Members of Parliament are allotted a yearly amount to be used for housing. They compile a list of applicants and the Poor Relief Department carries out investigations and deals with each case according to its merits. To access this service you must contact your Member of Parliament.
Occasionally Food for the Poor donates housing, and the Department helps with its allocation. When the recipient is a Poor Relief client, the Department oversees construction (such as ensuring completion and access by the client).

‘From the womb to the tomb’. When the toil of life has ended, the Poor Relief Department helps to soften the grief suffered by family members by providing moral and financial support. The service is accessible to both Registered Poor and those temporarily in need.
Enabling the Disabled
Disabled individuals are provided with crutches, wheelchairs, artificial limbs etc. to enable them to perform their everyday activities as much as possible. The service is accessible to both Registered Poor and those temporarily in need.

Poor Relief Officers are trained counselors. Their services are offered to clients and other persons in need of this facility. The service is free, and is accessible to both Registered Poor and those temporarily in need.

Special Projects
During the monthly pay day when dole is collected, clients in the Montego Bay area are treated to a hot meal at City Spirit. Food stuffs are also made available.